While the events on the GP certainly impacted my day on Saturday
(I spent some time on the GP stage and the events that started after 6:00 PM
got absolutely wrecked), that wasn't really my focus for the weekend. My focus
was on Swiss side events, and my scorekeeping buddy for the weekend was Jeff
Darran (who has written a guest post here before!). Previously, I'd worked with
Jeff directly at GP Atlanta last year, and he's awesome. Without him, Saturday
would have been a giant mess.
Since the events that unfolded after the announcements from the
main event that players would be able to drop for a free Infinite Challenge
Badge were far more interesting than anything else that happened to Swiss
events on the weekend, that's the story that I'm going to tell.
For a little bit of context, the initial afternoon schedule looked
like this, including the number of players registered:
- 1 PM — Sealed Challenge — 300 (226 were paired for
Round 1)
- 1 PM — Standard Challenge — 10
- 2 PM — 2HG Sealed Spectacular (notably, not a Challenge)
— 98 players
- 2 PM — Vintage Challenge — 8
- 3 PM — Modern Challenge — 95
- 4 PM — Standard Challenge — 96
- 5 PM — Legacy Challenge — 70
- 6 PM — Modern Rebound Challenge — 144
As a part of the offer to GP players, a few more events were added
to the schedule. Before those changes were announced, we had been told that
there would be a new Sealed Challenge at 5:30 PM — less than an hour away.
That was going to be a really tight deadline to prepare for that event,
especially with the number of players the main stage was predicting we would
have. By the time the new events were actually announced, that event had been
pushed back to 6:30, which provided an extra hour to prep product and make
These were the additional events:
- 6 PM — Standard Challenge
- 6 PM — Legacy Challenge
- 6:30 PM — Sealed Challenge
- 7 PM — Modern Challenge
The 7 PM Modern Challenge might seem a little out of place, but it
was there to give players dropping from the GP (which was Modern) the option to
get their six packs from the Sealed event and still be able to play Modern for
the rest of the night.
When the schedule was finalized, Jeff and I had to start making
plans, and the awesome judges on the side events staff had to find a place to
put a Sealed event that might to get a thousand players.
Step One: Figure Out the Status of EVERYTHING
It can be tempting to respond to this kind of situation by
focusing on the new things that need to happen, but there are some risks to
that. It's unlikely that an event slips through the cracks because there are players
and judges engaged with those events, but it is very possible that some details
of active events are overlooked while making that plan, like where they're
located, how many active players they have, and who's scorekeeping.
The first thing I did was establish that customer service couldn't
make use of an extra person. At that point, all of the afternoon events I
listed earlier were still on our plates, but one of us could have stretched a
little to handle all of them, which might have helped with the massive line of
players getting badges from customer service.
After that, we updated our notes on all the active events:
- What rounds were they in?
- Who was in charge of them? What HJs were on break? Was
that going to change in light of the schedule changes?
- What's the highest table number for each one?
- When were the current rounds going to end?
This information is super important. When things aren't breaking,
I might not keep tabs on when I expect rounds to flip because I have plenty of
bandwidth to handle them flipping whenever. However, when things *are*
breaking, I need that information in order to prioritize what I'm working
on — how important is it that these slips be entered? What about slips from that
other event? Can I afford to leave the stage to work with the sides leads and
HJs on a plan? Are these events going to start their last round early enough to
be off our plates around six?
One of the other things I made sure we did was sort and organize
all the slips currently on the stage. This tends to be a low priority,
especially for smaller events. That's not to say that there was a giant pile of
rainbow-colored pieces of paper — there were some neat, tidy stacks of slips
that were sorted by round, but not table number. As we ramped up to getting the
new events fired and earlier events were wrapping up and prizing out, I wanted
to make sure that we could find slips quickly if we needed to.
Some of this was delegated to judges (who, by the way, were
awesome), and a few other tasks were delegated to judges as well, including
setting up a station to let players redeem their playmat vouchers without
having to stand in the massive line.
Step Two: Make a Plan
This was a little more challenging. The first thing we had to do
was figure out who was scorekeeping which events. Jeff started the 5 PM Legacy
event, which had been the plan since the beginning of the day. I still had the
4 PM Standard event, and we each had an event or two from earlier in the day.
Our initial plan was to split up the 6 PM events — I was going to
take Modern, and Jeff was going to take Standard and Legacy. That would
(roughly) split the players in those events between us. I was going to take the
Sealed event at 6:30, and Jeff was going to take the 7 PM Modern event.
Then we got starting table numbers from the judges for those
events — the Sealed event was going to start at table 685, with all the 6 PM
events starting around table 1200. In short, this meant that the table range
for the Sealed event was closer to the GP stage than it was to the sides stage,
and the 6 PM events weren't much closer. I stepped off the sides stage to take
a look, and it took me a good 45 seconds to walk to those tables.
That's a lot of time. That's especially a lot of time if you need
to collect and communicate a ton of information about drops from the Sealed
Challenge, especially if you're expecting a need to process 300 of them in half
an hour (which, by the way, is basically impossible).
Fortunately, I had a brilliant idea: we set up a satellite
scorekeeping station in the middle of the tournament hall. By "satellite
scorekeeping station," I mean "a table with my computer and a
printer." When we realized we needed to do this, it was about 5:45.
Registration was closing in five minutes for the 6 PM events, and since they
were roughly in the same area, we decided that I would just ... scorekeep all
those things. I passed my remaining events (mostly the 4 PM Standard event) off
to Jeff.
There wasn't enough time to move me, my computer and my printer to
their new locations before starting the 6 PM events, so I started them from the
stage. The judges on those events knew what was going to happen, so they were
able to tell their players where their slips were going to go from the start.
These rounds started a few minutes after six. This is going to be important
At six on the dot, when Round 1 pairings for all those events were
posted and announced, I relocated. Steve, a member of SCG's OP team, joined me
at my table to and got ready to enroll players in the Modern Challenge as they
dropped from the Sealed event.
Step Three: Do ALL the Things
Sealed deck construction seatings went out at about 6:34, with
Nicholas Sabin, Grand Curmudgeon of the Mid-Atlantic (read: RC), at the helm.
There were 680 players total. Nicholas's team distributed sealed boxes of
Shadows over Innistrad to every six seats — there hadn't been time to make
sealed sets for 680 players.
I’d previously warned him that processing all the drops would
probably take me 10-15 minutes longer than the build time of the event, and we
had a plan to make it as efficient as possible.
Four judges were stationed at a table close to mine with copies of
the player seatings, divided into four name ranges. After players got their
packs, they could hop in line, highlight their name on one of the lists the
judges had, and sign up for the 7 PM Modern Challenge (or not). Deck construction
started at 6:45 or so. About ten minutes later, I traded the judges at that
table a fresh copy of the player list for the one they had already, and I
started processing drops.
The player list for the event was 16 pages long, and I went
through a two full lists, plus a few random scraps of paper with stragglers who
dropped only after seeing their pools, to process the drops. Partway through
the first list, the last slips from the first round of all the 6 PM events made
their way to my table, so I had to pause to flip those rounds (remember how I
said this was going to be important?).
All in all, pairings for Round 1 of the Sealed Challenge were
printed at about 7:25, almost 10 minutes after Nicholas announced the end of
the deck construction period. That’s not ideal, but the only way to process
drops from WLTR is one player at a time — in theory, you could edit the file you
use to import players to remove the drops and then re-import it into a fresh event
file, but then you wouldn’t have a record of the players who dropped in the
file. Given the circumstances, I wasn’t terribly
upset with the amount of time it took.
A total of 234 players indicated that they were dropping before
Round 1, which meant that the round paired with 446 players. There were quite a
few no-shows that round, more than is usually for the Sealed Challenges, and I
suspect it was the result of players either not knowing how to drop or not
wanting to wait.
Step Four: Sleep
Everything was downhill after Round 1 paired. At that point, the
four events I was responsible for only had about 650 players combined. Nicholas
sent the judges on his team on half-round breaks in the early rounds, and the
sides leads worked on getting the people who were coming back early on Sunday
off the floor for the night after that. Eventually, Nicholas himself took off
and Casey Brefka took over for the last round and a half of the Sealed
After Round 4 was paired, Casey and his team helped me break down
my satellite station and carry things back to the sides stage. Since the
players were taking their Round 4 slips to customer service to pick up prizes,
I didn’t need to hang out in the middle of the hall.
Everyone was exhausted, and even though they were doing their best
to maintain the level of energy necessary to close out the night, it was
obvious. I left the hall sometime after midnight, made the short trek back to
my hotel room, and passed out.
I woke up on Sunday to do it all (albeit without all the craziness) again.
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